Tuesday 4 December 2018

My experience…

During this year I learn mucho about english, in general my experience learning english in the university it’s good, I coursed english II , english III and english IV and during these courses I learned about pronunciation, redaction, reading comprehension and uses of english in daily context. I think the method for teach english in the university are good because using more didactic methods how blogs, video-blogs, and others activities (planning a trip or measuring the carbon footprint, for example).

About blogs... I think are very good activities because it allows to get better redaction, reading comprehension, and use english in a context more “real” because I use words and expressions more commons and it’s really fun because I wrote about my hobbies, things I like and my opinion about different topics and read about these things in the blogs of classmates.
But in spite of all this there are still things that I have to improve on as pronunciation and listening, this areas are so difficult to me, but my plan to improve are watch movies and series in english with english subs and later without subs, listen music and try to write the lyrics and compare with the real lyrics, also I would like speak with a english native speaker.

Outside English class I use English for study because I read blogs or books in English because the it’s more easily find the answer to my questions, other use of English in my day to day is for video games, because much video games not have a translation to Spanish and I use my knowledge of English for understand the dialogues or quest and in online games I use English for communicate with other players because English it’s a “universal” language and much international players understand English. 

And that's it, this is my last blog, thanks for reading and goodbye!!!