Tuesday 30 October 2018

My future Job

During my life I liked many jobs, as a child I wanted to be a firefighter to help people, a veterinarian to cure and save animals or a doctor to help people with their diseases, but for the next few years I thought and changed my preferences

During school I liked mathematics and science, for this reason I wanted to be an engineer to design robots, computers or rockets to space, I also wanted to be a teacher because I liked to help my friends with their academic problems (in science and mathematics). In high school I liked more science, especially chemistry and biology, I participated in different science fairs, activities with teachers and activities in universities, for this reason I liked the career of researcher. Another thing that was important to me are the trips in my work, and the research career will allow me to travel to science congresses or visit other universities with my research.

I believe that the salary is important, but in sciences the salary is not the best, even so, I believe that if I can live well there is no problem. I would like to work outside, but laboratory work is inside most of the time, but it is not a problem either because I like laboratories and work on them.
I study biochemistry and I would like to do a specialization in "immunology", because this area interests me.

That is all, and I will hope you like your future job.

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Stem cells

During my life I was interested in micro world, I liked to learn about cell, virus, etc. and I wanted a microscope, when I started High school I interested more in cell biology and immune system, Between everything I learned there was something that caught my attention and this was the Stem cells.

Stem cells are a very special type of cells, because have the capacity to transform in any specialized cell of organism, exist various types of stem cells how:

Totipotent stem cells: can differentiate into embryonic and extraembryonic cell types. Such cells can construct a complete, viable organism. These cells are produced from the fusion of an egg and sperm cell.
Dolly sheep

Pluripotent stem cells: are the descendants of totipotent cells and can differentiate into nearly all cells, i.e., cells derived from any of the three germ layers (Endoderm, Mesoderm, and Ectoderm).

Multipotent stem cells: can differentiate into a number of cell types, but only those of a closely related family of cells.

The use of stem cells is very diverse, it is used in research (mainly), cosmetics and as cancer treatment, for these reasons stem cells are very good for Humans. In my career stem cells are used for research.but not everything is good around stem cells, work with stem cells is very difficult because stem cells are difficult to control, may react badly with the patient's immune system and some people may be against and not support the research.

Stem cells have not been out of the controversy, much groups pro-life are against, and during much years the research with stem cells was very controversial, especially during the years of life of Dolly Sheep because this sheep was a first clone of the world born thanks to stem cells, but today the research and use of Stem cells are more common and not so controversial.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

My pets.

In this blog I am going to talk about of all my pets in my life.

My first pet in my life was a little brown female dog named “Ceci”, Ceci arrived one day with my father, he founds she in the street outside of his work, she lived with us during two years until she was hit by a car L, this accident caused him many hurts and my family decided sacrifice her, this make me very sad.

During some years I don’t had other pet because I was still sad for Ceci, but when I was 7 years my father came with two puppies “bobby” and “Mimi”, Bobby stay in my home and Mimi stay with my grandmother, Bobby lived with me until I was 10 years and my family move to Rancagua, for this reason bobby stay with my grandmother and his sister Mimi.

In Rancagua I adopted two dogs “Toby” a beagle puppy in 2012 and “Cleo” a  German Shepherd puppy in 2016, and I lives with them untill today.

During My life I adopted only dogs because my father and mother don’t like cats, but I love cats and someday I will adopt one.

I love cleo and toby because them make me happy and are very playful, they loves go to run in the park and visit my grandmother.

I only have a photo of toby :( , other photos were in my oldest phone.

Tuesday 9 October 2018

My best holidays

My holidays are always very different, for example the last holidays I worked in a cinema and stayed in Rancagua, but my holydays of 2015 I traveled to Puerto Montt to visit my family, but in this blog I will tell you of my favorite holydays until now, the Holydays 2016.

In 2016 I finished high school and take the PSU, I was very stressed and tired for this reason I decided to relax during December, I camped with my friends in a mountain near of Codegua for a week, during that week I relax and enjoy so much.  When the week finished we went back to Rancagua, I spend the rest of the month with my family. In January I decided to work to save money for University, I got work in a fruit packing, In February I prepared for University and went with my family to Puerto Montt, we went to beach and national park “Vicente Peréz Rosales” .

My Holydays Finished by the start of classes at the university… and I’m here yet.