Tuesday 27 November 2018

Changes to my study programme

I have talked about the career I study on multiple occasions, but in this time I will talk about of many things what should change in the career and the university (in my opinion… obviously).

The first thing that needs some changes is the career program because there are some problems with this, for example, during the first, second and third semester it is necessary to take 8 CFG in total, in my opinion it is too much because in the faculty there is not much CFG and it is complicated to create a schedule that allows you to study, relax, hobbies and sleep the necessary hours, and other problem with the program is what some subjects it’s related and you need take these in simultaneous, generating doubts and problems, how during the third semester in where you need take organic chemistry I and laboratory of chemistry organic. The workload it’s high and in my opinion the faculty should declare two weeks for tests A and during these weeks could not have controls or lab reports, this measure would improve performance and mental health of students.

In the faculty exist few spaces for study, lunch and relax and it’s necessary change this because there are students who need a better place to study than their house and the faculty does not turn out to be this place for the lack of spaces, the technology in this faculty it’s in a middle point because there are advanced equipment for analysis but other equipment it’s too old and obsolete.

The last point is the teaching methods; at this point I do not have a definite opinion because I have learned from teachers with excellent methods and others with not so good methods.

Tuesday 20 November 2018

In my opinion...

This is my blog and I think it’s important that you know my opinion about different themes, for this reason I will talk about three relevant topics, let’s start:

About recycling…

I think recycling it’s very important for the preservation of environment, it’s important to generate less garbage that could affect it, today plastics and others not degradable products pollute the sea and harm marine wildlife, for these reasons each person should recycle at home.
About Immigration…

I think that immigration could be more regulated, but that does not mean that immigrants are left out but that better measures are established for their arrival because today there is a lot of immigrants who arrive and end up living in precarious condition. We must remember that immigration is an engine of the economy and not something that negatively affects the economy as many people say.

About the legalization of abortion in the 3 cases…

I think the abortion in the 3 cases its ok but I think its necessary expand to all cases, I think the abortion it’s a important measure for natality control, public health and mental health, it’s a very bad option obligate to have a baby a woman who does not want.

About climate change…

I think it's a very serious issue because climate change is a real problem for the world (although some people say it does not exist like Donald Trump) and it’s important that us start do something for “repair” our world, if us does not do something, all life in the planet is in danger.

I apologize if there is a grammatical error and what I wrote is misinterpreted 😰

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Postgraduate studies

In the secondary school I loved science, I participated at science fairs, talks, contest (chemistry Olympics games for example), etc. so I decided to study any career of science in the future, I investigated about different science career, for this reason I study biochemistry because I wanted to contribute in the investigation of different diseases, for study diseases it’s not necessary a Ph.D. or 
master because I will work in a laboratory with the biochemist grade, but if I want to be principal investigator of the lab I need a Ph.D., in my case I want study a biochemistry Ph.D in immunology because it’s area is very interesting for me and my goals, reading the program called my attention the subject called “ biología molecular y genómica avanzada”, I think what this subject it’s very useful in immunology area and I like study PhD in Chile but with a semester abroad, how I will study PhD after biochemist grade I think the better system for me it’s a part-time course because it allows me work and study in parallel. 

But, during this year called my attention the biochemistry masters specially three, “environmental biochemistry”, “clinic biochemistry” and “toxicological biochemistry and molecular diagnosis”, these master's degrees are taught in the faculty where I study and give me a possibility to take the master in parallel with my professional degree and different scholarship. 

that is all!! Thanks for read my blog ;)