Tuesday 4 December 2018

My experience…

During this year I learn mucho about english, in general my experience learning english in the university it’s good, I coursed english II , english III and english IV and during these courses I learned about pronunciation, redaction, reading comprehension and uses of english in daily context. I think the method for teach english in the university are good because using more didactic methods how blogs, video-blogs, and others activities (planning a trip or measuring the carbon footprint, for example).

About blogs... I think are very good activities because it allows to get better redaction, reading comprehension, and use english in a context more “real” because I use words and expressions more commons and it’s really fun because I wrote about my hobbies, things I like and my opinion about different topics and read about these things in the blogs of classmates.
But in spite of all this there are still things that I have to improve on as pronunciation and listening, this areas are so difficult to me, but my plan to improve are watch movies and series in english with english subs and later without subs, listen music and try to write the lyrics and compare with the real lyrics, also I would like speak with a english native speaker.

Outside English class I use English for study because I read blogs or books in English because the it’s more easily find the answer to my questions, other use of English in my day to day is for video games, because much video games not have a translation to Spanish and I use my knowledge of English for understand the dialogues or quest and in online games I use English for communicate with other players because English it’s a “universal” language and much international players understand English. 

And that's it, this is my last blog, thanks for reading and goodbye!!!

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Changes to my study programme

I have talked about the career I study on multiple occasions, but in this time I will talk about of many things what should change in the career and the university (in my opinion… obviously).

The first thing that needs some changes is the career program because there are some problems with this, for example, during the first, second and third semester it is necessary to take 8 CFG in total, in my opinion it is too much because in the faculty there is not much CFG and it is complicated to create a schedule that allows you to study, relax, hobbies and sleep the necessary hours, and other problem with the program is what some subjects it’s related and you need take these in simultaneous, generating doubts and problems, how during the third semester in where you need take organic chemistry I and laboratory of chemistry organic. The workload it’s high and in my opinion the faculty should declare two weeks for tests A and during these weeks could not have controls or lab reports, this measure would improve performance and mental health of students.

In the faculty exist few spaces for study, lunch and relax and it’s necessary change this because there are students who need a better place to study than their house and the faculty does not turn out to be this place for the lack of spaces, the technology in this faculty it’s in a middle point because there are advanced equipment for analysis but other equipment it’s too old and obsolete.

The last point is the teaching methods; at this point I do not have a definite opinion because I have learned from teachers with excellent methods and others with not so good methods.

Tuesday 20 November 2018

In my opinion...

This is my blog and I think it’s important that you know my opinion about different themes, for this reason I will talk about three relevant topics, let’s start:

About recycling…

I think recycling it’s very important for the preservation of environment, it’s important to generate less garbage that could affect it, today plastics and others not degradable products pollute the sea and harm marine wildlife, for these reasons each person should recycle at home.
About Immigration…

I think that immigration could be more regulated, but that does not mean that immigrants are left out but that better measures are established for their arrival because today there is a lot of immigrants who arrive and end up living in precarious condition. We must remember that immigration is an engine of the economy and not something that negatively affects the economy as many people say.

About the legalization of abortion in the 3 cases…

I think the abortion in the 3 cases its ok but I think its necessary expand to all cases, I think the abortion it’s a important measure for natality control, public health and mental health, it’s a very bad option obligate to have a baby a woman who does not want.

About climate change…

I think it's a very serious issue because climate change is a real problem for the world (although some people say it does not exist like Donald Trump) and it’s important that us start do something for “repair” our world, if us does not do something, all life in the planet is in danger.

I apologize if there is a grammatical error and what I wrote is misinterpreted 😰

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Postgraduate studies

In the secondary school I loved science, I participated at science fairs, talks, contest (chemistry Olympics games for example), etc. so I decided to study any career of science in the future, I investigated about different science career, for this reason I study biochemistry because I wanted to contribute in the investigation of different diseases, for study diseases it’s not necessary a Ph.D. or 
master because I will work in a laboratory with the biochemist grade, but if I want to be principal investigator of the lab I need a Ph.D., in my case I want study a biochemistry Ph.D in immunology because it’s area is very interesting for me and my goals, reading the program called my attention the subject called “ biología molecular y genómica avanzada”, I think what this subject it’s very useful in immunology area and I like study PhD in Chile but with a semester abroad, how I will study PhD after biochemist grade I think the better system for me it’s a part-time course because it allows me work and study in parallel. 

But, during this year called my attention the biochemistry masters specially three, “environmental biochemistry”, “clinic biochemistry” and “toxicological biochemistry and molecular diagnosis”, these master's degrees are taught in the faculty where I study and give me a possibility to take the master in parallel with my professional degree and different scholarship. 

that is all!! Thanks for read my blog ;)

Tuesday 30 October 2018

My future Job

During my life I liked many jobs, as a child I wanted to be a firefighter to help people, a veterinarian to cure and save animals or a doctor to help people with their diseases, but for the next few years I thought and changed my preferences

During school I liked mathematics and science, for this reason I wanted to be an engineer to design robots, computers or rockets to space, I also wanted to be a teacher because I liked to help my friends with their academic problems (in science and mathematics). In high school I liked more science, especially chemistry and biology, I participated in different science fairs, activities with teachers and activities in universities, for this reason I liked the career of researcher. Another thing that was important to me are the trips in my work, and the research career will allow me to travel to science congresses or visit other universities with my research.

I believe that the salary is important, but in sciences the salary is not the best, even so, I believe that if I can live well there is no problem. I would like to work outside, but laboratory work is inside most of the time, but it is not a problem either because I like laboratories and work on them.
I study biochemistry and I would like to do a specialization in "immunology", because this area interests me.

That is all, and I will hope you like your future job.

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Stem cells

During my life I was interested in micro world, I liked to learn about cell, virus, etc. and I wanted a microscope, when I started High school I interested more in cell biology and immune system, Between everything I learned there was something that caught my attention and this was the Stem cells.

Stem cells are a very special type of cells, because have the capacity to transform in any specialized cell of organism, exist various types of stem cells how:

Totipotent stem cells: can differentiate into embryonic and extraembryonic cell types. Such cells can construct a complete, viable organism. These cells are produced from the fusion of an egg and sperm cell.
Dolly sheep

Pluripotent stem cells: are the descendants of totipotent cells and can differentiate into nearly all cells, i.e., cells derived from any of the three germ layers (Endoderm, Mesoderm, and Ectoderm).

Multipotent stem cells: can differentiate into a number of cell types, but only those of a closely related family of cells.

The use of stem cells is very diverse, it is used in research (mainly), cosmetics and as cancer treatment, for these reasons stem cells are very good for Humans. In my career stem cells are used for research.but not everything is good around stem cells, work with stem cells is very difficult because stem cells are difficult to control, may react badly with the patient's immune system and some people may be against and not support the research.

Stem cells have not been out of the controversy, much groups pro-life are against, and during much years the research with stem cells was very controversial, especially during the years of life of Dolly Sheep because this sheep was a first clone of the world born thanks to stem cells, but today the research and use of Stem cells are more common and not so controversial.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

My pets.

In this blog I am going to talk about of all my pets in my life.

My first pet in my life was a little brown female dog named “Ceci”, Ceci arrived one day with my father, he founds she in the street outside of his work, she lived with us during two years until she was hit by a car L, this accident caused him many hurts and my family decided sacrifice her, this make me very sad.

During some years I don’t had other pet because I was still sad for Ceci, but when I was 7 years my father came with two puppies “bobby” and “Mimi”, Bobby stay in my home and Mimi stay with my grandmother, Bobby lived with me until I was 10 years and my family move to Rancagua, for this reason bobby stay with my grandmother and his sister Mimi.

In Rancagua I adopted two dogs “Toby” a beagle puppy in 2012 and “Cleo” a  German Shepherd puppy in 2016, and I lives with them untill today.

During My life I adopted only dogs because my father and mother don’t like cats, but I love cats and someday I will adopt one.

I love cleo and toby because them make me happy and are very playful, they loves go to run in the park and visit my grandmother.

I only have a photo of toby :( , other photos were in my oldest phone.

Tuesday 9 October 2018

My best holidays

My holidays are always very different, for example the last holidays I worked in a cinema and stayed in Rancagua, but my holydays of 2015 I traveled to Puerto Montt to visit my family, but in this blog I will tell you of my favorite holydays until now, the Holydays 2016.

In 2016 I finished high school and take the PSU, I was very stressed and tired for this reason I decided to relax during December, I camped with my friends in a mountain near of Codegua for a week, during that week I relax and enjoy so much.  When the week finished we went back to Rancagua, I spend the rest of the month with my family. In January I decided to work to save money for University, I got work in a fruit packing, In February I prepared for University and went with my family to Puerto Montt, we went to beach and national park “Vicente Peréz Rosales” .

My Holydays Finished by the start of classes at the university… and I’m here yet.

Sunday 12 August 2018

Blog experience.

Years ago, when the internet was not full of content for entertainment, I used to read some blogs I found, and I always thought that it could be fun to be on the other side and be the one who wrote them, thanks to this course I have been able to experience that experience. obviously not exactly the same way, but I did it.

I think that activities like this help a lot because they are more "real" instances, besides having to imagine what one is going to write also helps to improve grammar a lot and learn many new words or phrases, personally what I learned the most was grammar, which has always been my weak point

In the future I like includes more liberty on themes, notify issues with time to think things better and maybe some guide on how to add effects, images, videos or music to personalize and make it more fun.

I like to write of videogames, personal histories, tips or write your own stories, stories, poems, some play or make some comic even.
Well, this is my last blog and I do not want to say goodbye without thanking everyone who read these blogs and commented, they made this even better.

Friday 10 August 2018

The biggest organ.

The human body has multiple parts and systems, and all these parts (at least the "external anatomy") are covered by the skin, the biggest organ in our body.

The human skin is divided into three main parts, and these parts are, "epidermis" is the first layer and the barrier between organism and external environment, thanks to it we avoid the growth of microorganisms and UV radiation, The second layer are “Dermis”, The dermis is the layer of skin beneath the epidermis that consists of connective tissue and cushions the body from stress and strain. The dermis provides tensile strength and elasticity to the skin, also provide nutrients to epidermis. The last layer are “hypodermis” or “subcutaneous tissue”, this layer is considered part of the skin by some but not by all, subcutaneous tissue help to conserve corporal temperature.

There are multiple diseases that affect the skin, most of them weaken the skin and others produce wounds, and not only diseases weaken the skin, bad diet and accidents can do it too.

For a healthy skin you need a good diet, food what provides vitamins, orange and wiki for c vitamin, carrot for A vitamin, olive oil and nuts for E vitamin and meal or legumes for proteins, you need avoid oils (in excess) and fats.

Friday 3 August 2018

My favorite subject.

 When you think in a career, you think in many things, for example, duration, university where it is, if really you like, and a very important “thing”, the career program, in this you can look the different subjects what you will take during the career, however it’s really different take the subject what only read of this.

In my career are many subject very different each other, math, general chemistry, biology, mechanic, “reasoning and scientific communication” only the first year!! , but all relate each other.

It’s hard select one as my favorite, because a like many of these, but if necessary I would say it is “analytical chemistry” (at least for now), as it’s very interesting for me, because you learn how to identify various compounds and elements of a sample, using math and practice methods or practice and logic methods, it's like playing at being a detective.

In class you learn the math methods and qualitative methods for recognize the elements or/and their concentrations, for now it’s very theoretical, but in the next semester I have the lab of this subject where I use practical methods with math and qualitative methods.

It is my favorite subject, and yours?

Sunday 29 July 2018

Internet and the investigation.

Internet is a very useful tool and a great means of entertainment, there are infinite websites on infinite topics, you are likely to find anything on the web. (really anything), in my case I use the internet for research and study.

Today I'm going to talk about Pubchem, Pubchem is a online database about different compounds and substances, this database have information of many compounds, information how, boiling point, melting point, density, in addition to other physical and chemical properties. pubchem also delivers links to other pages that gather other data such as spectra of diverse types on these compounds.

I like Pubchem because it is very easy to find the necessary information in this, it is also a free website and free access so it is very useful for students like me. If you need research of any compound or prepare a next laboratory I recommend this website, It has been very useful for me and I hope that you to, I'll leave the link at the end of the post, see you.


Wednesday 25 July 2018

Music in my day to day

The music is very important in my life, because I listen music when I travel to my house or university, I listen music while I study, clean or just to entertain. I don’t have a favorite kind of music, I like many kinds of music, for example, rock and variants, electronic and pop, and soundtracks of movie and tv shows.

I like many bands and artist but red hot chili peppers and blur (especially Damon Albarn) occupy a special place for me, I love The zephyr song, otherside and under the bridge of RHCP, and Parklife and beetlebum of Blur. I really like the bass in RHCP and the lyrics of their songs. Damon albarn are principal voice of blur and gorillaz, he is a incredible and creative music.

When I was a child I liked rap but now I listen to it in a few occasions.
Music in movies, TV series and video games is very important because it helps create an atmosphere and highlight emotions, many of these soundtracks come to be recognized as for example those of star wars or final fantasy. personally I really like the soundtrack of the saga of “the Lord of the rings” and the videogames of “pokemon” and “nier automata”

I leave you one of my favorites songs below, I hope you like it and we'll see you :)

Friday 20 July 2018

Photograph I like!

The photographs for me are more than a simple image, represent a lot of feelings and memories, but also exist photographers looking to teach the beauty of many places, and I love their job. I like seeing photographs of places that I have never visited, because I see the wonderful thing of this place, but my favorite pictures of places are about natural parks and native nature.
Now I will show you some photographs of “Torres del Paine” national park, because I like to visit this park someday and also because this photographs are amazing. (At least for me).

This first photo was taken by Avaria Zurita and was called “puma contra luna”, This photograph win a public award in “Chile salvaje 2016” photograph contest, and it’s shows a puma walking during the night. I like colors of this photograph and close and detailed you can see the puma.

This photo was taken by Maria Teresa Zegers, this photo shows the condor in all its splendor flying over the beautiful  landscape in the background and I like for this.

And this are the photographs I like most, I hope you like it too and share photos you like.

Friday 11 May 2018

My favorite Movie?

It’s a very difficult question, because I like watch movies and don’t have a one favorite, the same with the books, for this reason I will talk to about of my most recently “favorite movie”.

During last summer I worked in Cinemark, this job allowed me to watch several movies that otherwise I wouldn’t be able to watch in cinema, the movie that I talk is “Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri” or in Spanish “Tres anuncios por un crimen”, this movie tell story of Mildred Hayes who is exhausted of null progress in the investigation of rape and murder to her daughter, for this reason she decides to lease three billboards outside town with a hard message to police, this billboard divide the town and unleash anger police Jason Dixon, during the movie Mildred and the other characters will face anger and frustration of people. This is all I tell of story of the movie, I don’t tell spoilers.

What I like most about the movie is its form way of telling story, the hard dialogues and scenes, and the conclusion, with a powerful message and not typical end.

My time of watch movies and read book is when I travel to Santiago/Rancagua to go to university, although lately I have been sleeping at that time, so I watch and read in the night.
I recommend this movie if you like drama and dark comedy because this movie has much of these things.

Friday 27 April 2018

My favorite piece of technology?

I like technology in general because it helps us with many tasks daily and has many forms of entertainment to, but my favorite piece of technology is the computers.

The first computers was invented in universities (1938-1944) for scientific and engineering uses, some years more late the computers was used in industries. In 1977 apple launched the first personal computer the Apple II, during next years the computers evolves change its form and size.

In 1983 with the “birth” of internet the computers became more popular, and computer applications also increased, for example communication with a far people, buy things into internet, search information of many topics.

My first computer ( it seems)

My first computer was a “old big white computer” when I was 5 years I playing and drawing in this, it’s was a family entertainment, but some years late this computer “dead”.

Currently I have a laptop for university tasks and entertainment too, now don’t only play games in my computer, I watch series and movies, read books, study and talk with my friends and family for this reason it’s important for me. Honestly I used to use my computer for many hours but now I only took it as necesary.

My life without computers… maybe it would be more difficult because the university work and other tasks need more time and I already have little time left.

Friday 20 April 2018

How I study biochemistry?

During my life I liked many different jobs and careers, when I was four or six years, my dream was becoming a conductor of F1 or astronaut or secret agent, but in time I changed, the first time when I really thought in a career was when I was 8-10 years and my dog was sick and died L, this made me very sad but I decided to study veterinary to heal all pets.

In 2011, I was in 7th grade and played chess at the school, the person in charge was the son of a professor at school and he studied engineering in PUC, he was an incredible person, very smart and creative, I really admired him, for this reason I decided to study engineering (by then I had already left the idea of study veterinary). 

In the secondary school I loved science, I participated at science fairs, talks, contest (chemistry Olympics games for example), etc. so I decided to study any career of science in the future, I investigated about different science career and finally decided to study biochemistry because I wanted to contribute in the investigation of different diseases.

My experience at university has been hard but fun. In the beginning it cost me to adapt to the new way of studying and living without my family, but now. In the future I wanted to investigate in area of immunology because it’s very interesting to me.

Thursday 12 April 2018

Do you know who I am?

If your answer is not, you should read this post, maybe.
If your answer is yes, you should read this post too.

I’m Carlos Montiel Vera I was born in Puerto Montt on September 16, 1998. My father and mother were very young when I was born, for this reason I knew my great grandparents. I have 2 brothers and a sister but I am the oldest.

Puerto Montt
 I studied in “Colegio Domingo Santa Maria” of Puerto Montt, but in 2010 when I was in 6th grade, my family moved to Coltauco and three years later moved to Rancagua, where I studied in “Liceo Oscar Castro” and decided to study Biochemistry :D.

In my free time I like riding my bike around the city and visiting my friends, also I like watching movies, tv series and anime, my favorites are terror movies and sci-fi movies. I love listening to music while I go home or university or… really while I go anywhere. My favorites band are Red Hot Chili peppers, Blur and the strokes.

Well it’s who I am.